Common Mistakes Businesses Make with Their...LinkedIn Direct Messages

LinkedIn direct messages are a powerful tool for business professionals to connect with potential clients, partners, and talent. However, many of those individuals make mistakes that can turn these opportunities into missed chances or even damage their reputation. Here are some common pitfalls and tips on how to avoid them.

1. Sending Generic Messages

One of the most frequent mistakes is sending generic messages. These are very easy to spot and recipients can quickly identify and dismiss such messages as spam. To make a meaningful connection, personalise your message by addressing the recipient by name, mentioning shared interests or connections, and tailoring the content to their specific needs or interests.

2. Being Too Salesy Too Soon

Jumping straight into a sales pitch in the first message can be off-putting. LinkedIn is a platform for building professional relationships, not just a marketplace. Start by introducing yourself and expressing genuine interest in the recipient's work or profile. Look to build rapport and trust before moving on to discussing business opportunities.

3. Ignoring the Recipient’s Profile

Failing to review and reference the recipient’s LinkedIn profile shows a lack of effort and interest. Before sending a message, take the time to understand their background, current role, and recent activities. Referencing specific details from their profile demonstrates that you have done your homework and are genuinely interested in connecting.

4. Using Overly Formal Language

While professionalism is essential, overly formal language can make messages seem stiff and impersonal. Strive for a balance that maintains professionalism while sounding approachable and conversational. Using a friendly and engaging tone can make your message more relatable and easier to respond to.

5. Sending Messages at Inappropriate Times

Timing is crucial when sending LinkedIn messages. Sending messages during non-business hours or on weekends can reduce the likelihood of a prompt response. Aim to send messages during typical business hours when recipients are more likely to be active and engaged on LinkedIn.

6. Failing to Follow Up

Many businesses send an initial message but fail to follow up if they don’t receive a response. A polite and timely follow-up can remind the recipient of your initial message and show persistence. Ensure that follow-ups add value and avoid being overly persistent or pushy.

That said, it may be that LinkedIn isn't the contact's preferred mode of communication so you may want to get in touch via an alternative communication channel.

7. Overlooking Call-to-Action (CTA)

A message without a clear call-to-action can leave the recipient unsure of how to respond. Whether you want to set up a meeting, ask for a call, or share information, clearly state what you hope to achieve from the message. A well-defined CTA can guide the recipient towards the desired action.

Be intentional with your chosen CTA. It may be too soon to request a call, for instance, if they've never responded or shown any interest in what you have to offer.

Start a conversation and engage with them and if the interest is there then you can move it to the next stage.

8. Neglecting Message Length

Messages that are too long can overwhelm recipients, while extremely brief messages may lack sufficient context. Strive for a concise yet informative message that provides enough information to pique interest without overloading the recipient. A few well-crafted sentences are often more effective than a lengthy paragraph.

Remember that they could be reading your message on the phone and they may be put off by its scroll length so be mindful of that.

By avoiding these common mistakes, businesses can enhance their LinkedIn messaging strategy, build stronger professional relationships, and increase their chances of successful engagements. Thoughtful, personalised, and timely messages are key to leveraging LinkedIn's full potential for business growth.

Are you aware of any other mistakes that businesses make which could be added to the list?

Do you have any questions or require help in this area?

Then get in touch using the contact form by clicking here.

