What should I expect from a sales prospecting campaign?
You should expect a done for you sales prospecting campaign that will provide you with leads and sales opportunities that have been qualified sufficiently enough to warrant a further sales conversation or demo with a member of your team.
Together we will agree realistic outcomes, this will be based on your sector and other industry characteristics such as typical sales cycle duration. From there will put in place a package to enable us to work together to achieve it.
Although by signing up to a campaign the lead generation activity has been delegated, that said collaboration and teamwork is still required to ensure successful project delivery and a sustainable process is developed going forward.
What process do you use?
There are many channels available to use given the various ways your prospects buy and we must work out what is best going forward so this will not initially be set in stone.
People respond to a range of outreach modes (telephone, emails & socials) differently so we will work together to continually optimise our approach to determine what works out for the best.
Generally speaking the approaches I use will align with the buyers journey and this will feed into the sales pipeline that will be in place to track the campaign’s performance.
However there are tried and tested formulas that can be applied to hit the ground running and how they perform depends on the foundations we put in place at the start of the campaigning period.
How do you make sure I achieve the results I want? / What return or number of leads should I expect?
With sales and marketing there are no guarantees of success, there may be a fair amount of trial and error to get the mix right for creating sustainable success going forward. It’s also about consistent effort and commitment to achieving your goals. We need to be realistic about our expectations from the start - that said, we are in this together!!
Also, it depends on your definition of success.
It is claimed that there is only ever 5% of your prospective buyers in-market for your solution at any one time. It could well be that we find opportunities that might not have immediate requirements (the other 95%) but still belong in your pipeline nonetheless and we will support you in ensuring you are in the frame for when they are ready to discuss their requirements with you.
Furthermore, there are all manner of lead-sourcing strategies that can be deployed to increase chances of success and we will work with you to identify what they are and how they can be deployed.
With that in mind, I will borrow from a sailing analogy. When looking to grow your business you need to set your course (direction) however market conditions, like the sea can shift you off course. This is where I will work with you to keep you aligned and heading in the right direction, moving you towards your goals.
Are there any guarantees?
No. Please refer to previous question.
However this emphasises the importance of working together to ensure strong foundations are put in place and good communications are maintained so that opportunities don’t go awry. Rest assured I will persevere to ensure that we deliver the best possible outcomes possible.
What's different about the emails you use in your campaigns and email nurturing campaign you offer as an additional service?
At some point, there will be an instance at which we will have to move on from a particular contact identified as a suitable prospect.
It's at this stage where continual touchpoints will no longer be deployed as part of the campaign.
As part of the lead generation campaign, a contact cadence will be agreed and that may well include an email follow-up as part of a 360 process.
But once that cadence has been completed, you may well have a significant number of contact records of potential businesses you want to keep in touch with to warm up into potential opportunities.
It's at this point you will have to consider an email nurturing strategy. This is an additional service we can offer and if you're interested to learn more then let's schedule a conversation.
What is a lead magnet?
A lead magnet is a free asset or special deal offered to customers in exchange for their contact details. It can be a discount code, webinar, white paper, ebook, template, or another resource. To gain access to the lead magnet, a consumer must provide their name, email address, and/or company information.
What constitutes a simple, standard & enterprise-level plan?
It really comes down to the complexity of the market you are targeting.
Simple plans are designed around straight forward buying structures where the targeted prospect is easily identifiable and they are able to make autonomous purchasing decisions.
At the enterprise level you are targeting larger organisations where the buyer is not easily identified and may take considerable research to uncover.
They typically don’t make autonomous decisions and will have to refer back to a buying committee. More often than not, there will be numerous points of contacts involved and numerous introductions required to get a viable opportunity.
As these campaigns are more time and resource intensive, the rate quoted is set up to reflect this.
The standard package is a hybrid of the two.
Is there a payment plan? What are the payment options?
The payment options are either:
- Full month payable up front
- Two monthly instalments, one at the beginning of the month and the balance paid at the end.
Is there a minimum period startup?
Campaigns are designed as a package as business development and lead generation is all about consistency and momentum.
For best results and to get the most out of your campaigning efforts it is best to run the campaign for at least a 90 day period (3 months).
For simpler buying structures you may well get a decent return on your campaign investment in a matter of days, if not weeks however at the enterprise end, 3 months is more likely. It could even take 6 months to develop traction from a stand still phase.
This is why I recommend signing up for 3 months and a rolling month basis thereafter but this is not set in stone.
How do I/we get started?
Simply click on the “Enquire Now” button to schedule a conversation to determine your requirements and decide which option is best for you.